When thinking about a jock itch cure, here are some of the weirdest (yet most effective) jock itch home remedies in 2018!
What is jock itch?
Jock itch is a bad ass fungal infection that normally affects all of your sensitive spots, namely the inner thighs, groin area, and the buttocks. Jock itch’s grown up name is tinea crucis fungus – and guess what, this is the very same fungus that causes both athletes foot and ringworm. In fact, jock itch is essentially exactly the same thing, just in a different place on your body!
Not sure you have jock itch? Well, do you have some of the common symptoms such as a burning sensation in the affected area, redness, itching and peeling of the skin in and around your groin area? If so, then I’m sorry to tell you buddy, but you’ve got a case of the jocky itchy!
Jock itch is really caused by 3 things – moisture, heat, lack of fresh of circulating air. These three things combined are the ingredients necessary for the ultimate jock itch breeding ground. A brand new jock itch Shangri La will open whenever the trio of moisture, heat and lack of air join forces.
Is jock itch contagious?
Clear the room! Jock itch is most definitely contagious. For this reason it is of the upmost importance that you never ever share your personal belongings (that may have come into contact with your affected area) with other when you have contracted jock itch.
Not only is your case of crotch rot contagious to other people, but it is also contagious to other parts of your own body. Did you know that a lot of jock itch cases are actually caused from people having athletes foot and accidentally transferring it to the groin. It’s as easy as taking your sock off when you have a mild case of athletes foot and then rubbing your balls afterwards.
How can we cure jock itch? Are there any home remedies for jock itch?
Below are the top three remedies for curing Jock itch, and guess what – the ingredients can be found in most common house holds! The following jock itch treatments may seem a little bit odd, of even kooky, but they are highly effective to treat the problem in your groin, and who cares what anyone thinks, if they work…they work!
Using Bleach to cure Jock Itch.
I know, it sounds completely bloody bonkers to use it, but I kid you not, bleach is actually a very good remedy for Jock itch. Common house hold bleach can be an awesome preventative of jock itch and can also help with the destruction of the dreaded ailment.
How to use bleach to cure jock itch.
Simply prepare a mixture of two tablespoons of bleach to two glasses of warm water. Take a clean cotton cloth, dip the cloth in the bleach mixture and then apply it on the affected area. Repeat this procedure three to four times daily for several days until you get relief from the symptoms.
Also, you can add a quarter cup of bleach into a bathtub full of water and then climb in and soak in it. If you do this daily, your jock itch symptoms of red skin, itchiness and flakiness will disappear. If you are going to do the soak, then you really do have to do it daily to see any results!
Don’t forget to pat dry the area as moisture can make the condition worse (remember, moisture is one of the three key ingredients that create an environment for jock itch to thrive in).
Salt baths can get great results.
Bathing with salt water is one of the simplest ways to solve your incredibly itchy and uncomfortable jock itch problem.
To cure your crotch rot condition with salt water, follow these instructions – fill the bathtub with warm water and generously add salt to it. You can use iodized salt, bath salt or Epsom salts. Once the salt has been dissolved into the water, you can then proceed to get into the bath yourself and lie in this solution for between twenty to thirty minutes. For best results, the affected area where you are suffering jock itch must be fully submerged. Repeat this procedure for several days, twice each day for better results. Salt contains properties that will help the infection heal quickly as well as control fungus growth.
Onions, the unlikely hero when it comes to defeating jock itch.
This one definitely takes the cake for me! I know you’re having trouble believing it, but trust me, it’s true! Onion is one hell of a jock itch fighter. If fact it’s one of the very best.
Why does it work you ask? Well, onion contains anti biotic, anti-fungal and anti flammatory properties that are effective against tinea cruris, the causer of Jock itch and ahtlete’s foot fungus conditions.
How do you use onion to cure jock itch?
This is a great home remedy for treating jock itch…I mean, what house doesn’t have an onion in the kitchen!
Prepare a paste of onion by chopping up and grounding an union until it is sloppy like a paste. Carefully apply your recently created onion paste to the infuriating crotch rot you are suffering. Leave the paste on your jock itch affected area for around half an hour before rinsing with luke warm water. Pat the area dry with a clean cloth or use a blow dryer to dry the area. You do this because as we have stated before, moisture is a sure way to jock itch settling in on your crotch. You can use onion juice instead of onion paste; they work similar to help cure the symptoms.
Onion is also worth adding to your diet too! If you add enough onion to your cooking then it will also provide your body with micro-bacterial protection from the inside out!
BONUS home remedy for jock itch! Baking soda!
I know we said we’d only be listing 3 home remedies for jock itch, but we couldn’t help ourselves from including the next one because it’s simply that good!
This technique consists of creating a paste that you apply to the affected jock itch area. Simple really.
First step you need to do is take 1 -2 teaspoons of regular, household baking soda, then add it to a mixing bowl. Then add a little bit of water and stir. If it is too gluggy, add a little bit more water and stir some more. What you are trying to achieve is a paste like consistency (think toothpaste).
Then, take your newly mixed baking soda paste and apply it all over the skin where jock itch is a problem. Apply copious amounts. Baking soda is cheap so the cost isn’t too extreme if you add more. Leave this paste on the affected jock itch area for at least 15 minutes. This is a good time to get comfy and watch some tv or read a good book.
Once the 15 minutes is up, simply wipe the area to remove the baking soda and then pat dry – make sure the area is 100& dry before putting your clothes back on.
For best results with this method, apply the baking soda twice a day.
Why does baking soda cure jock itch?
Ah, glorious baking soda. It’s a common element found in nearly every kitchen in America and it is a total bad ass when it comes to defeating the infamous crotch rot, aka. jock itch!
But, why does it work so well in curing jock itch? Well, baking soda has very strong drying and soothing properties. It is good for neutralising ph levels on the jock itch prone area, which in turn will help reduce any infection to the area.
Baking soda’s unheralded anti-fungal properties also deal with infection in an effective way too.
How to prevent jock itch from re-occurring!
Though more common in men, Jock itch can affect anyone.
Once your jock itch condition improves, prevent its re-occurrence by:
- Washing your work out clothing well after each use. Don’t contain yourself in sweaty clothes for a second more than you have to.
- Do not store your damp or wet clothing in enclosed spaces such as in a locker or closet. This is because when you finally change into those clothes they will be damp and moist – the perfect conditions for jock itch.
- Changing your inner under wear daily, or more particularly if you take part in activities that make you sweat a lot such as working out or gardening.
- If you are vulnerable to sweating and creating moisture, then applying drying powders after taking a shower or being active is a good way to mitigate this.
- Not wearing clothing that is too tight at least from the waist downwards! Keep all of your clothing free flowing to increase airflow to the groin!
Jock itch is an uncomfortable condition and taking care of your hygiene will prevent future reoccurrences. Any one jock itch cure from above will deliver some positive results when trying to remedy its effects and give you peace of mind. That being said, sometimes specific creams, soaps and powders will tend to always do a faster, more targeted job.

Have a look at our jock itch comparison chart here to see which would be most effective for you.