Is jock itch Contagious?

Is Jock Itch Contagious - can I spread tinea cruris?

The Down Low on Down There.

Tinea cruris, more commonly as jock itch, is a painful fungal infection of one’s nether region. It can occur for both men and women, but the male species seems to dominate those infected. The infection is normally located in the deep skin creases around the groin. If you are suffering from jock itch, then you probably feel like you need to scratch your balls like mad. Unfortunately, polite society keeps you from doing alleviating your desire for such a relief.

The itching sensation can actually spread to your inner thigh and to the buttocks as well. The area in question will be dry, red, and flaky; it would be similar to a major chaffing situation. Worse cases of jock itch might even start to blister and form pustules. Gross, right? You will feel as shy as a virgin until you get it cleared up. Fortunately, there is a jock itch cure. Read below to find out how to avoid it in the first place, and how to clean that mess up.

Cure jock itch with our jock itch comparison chart!

Is Jock Itch Contagious?

One of the most common questions asked concerning this condition is, “Is jock itch contagious?” This infection normally occurs when you already feeling sick. A weak immune system is one of the biggest contributors to jock itch. However, the biggest incubator is clothing that is too tight. If you like wearing your spandex boxer briefs, then you might need to let up on it for a few weeks for your jock itch to get better. The infection needs to breath because fungus thrives on moist, dark areas.

For the best results, try not to share any clothing or towels with you cronies. Used towels are a breeding ground for this kind thing. If you do not want its ugly head appearing on your body, do not share!

The Jock Itch Cure.

One of the most important ways to keep jock itch from spreading or occurring in the first place is to not wear tight underpants. This means no tighty whities, g-strings, banana hammocks or anything similar. You will need to stick to nice and loose boxers or kilts. Your skivvies need to be cotton because synthetic materials will make you sweat unnecessarily. You can also prevent this from happening by showering after any athletics, and always use anti-fungal cream to be on the safe side. 

However, if the rash does appear, then you will need to keep it dry and clean. Always dry yourself of completely after any excessive sweating or water activities.

You will apply an over the counter anti-fungal cream that will help you battle the ugly jock itch. You can also take Benadryl or use hydrocortisone cream to keep the rash from hurting and becoming too inflamed. If you believe your rash is pathetically bad, then it never hurts to visit a doctor. They will be able to prescribe you a stronger cream or pills. Jock itch a painful situation, but care and attention will keep it from occurring.

Stay strong fellow crusader!

Here’s a little something to make you laugh while you battle on!
Jock itch cure for men. Funny image to help you laugh while battling jock itch


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