Author Archives: jockitchcrusader

Jock itch cream vs powder – the ultimate anti-fungal showdown!

Jock itch cream vs powder, the ultimate showdown. Who will win?

Cream vs Powder – let the “jock itch remedy” battle begin!

In this article we’ll help you push forward in your crusade to jock itch freedom by discussing the merits of anti-fungal jock itch cream vs powder. Suffering from jock itch can be painful and irritating enough without having to pull your hair out over which solution you think may work best!

In the red corner is “The Crotch Rot Killer”, Creeeeaaaaaam!

In the other corner in the blue trunks, an antifungal thats not scared of a little itchy pants dance – Poowwwdddeeerrr!

Lets have a look at each of our contestants individually over 3 rounds and then tally the judges decisions and announce our winner.


Round 1 – Application.


Applying cream to your jock itch can be as easy as squirting out  a dime or so worth onto your hand and applying liberally to the affected area.
Depending on the cream, you may find ones that range from easily absorbed to heavy and greasy. It’s this second type of cream that can end up causing you all kinds of headaches. If the cream isn’t absorbed fully, it will keep the area too moist, will rub off on your clothes and can leave a certain smell. Most creams however are well absorbed to avoid this situation. Generally, application involves applying two times a day on a daily basis for between two to four weeks until the jock itch is cured – but check the instructions before you start treatment.

As if the creams weren’t effective enough already, here’s a few tips on increasing their effectiveness:

  1. After you wash, ensure that your crotch is completely dry and free from any moisture.
  2. Apply your jock itch cream, and apply beyond the areas that are affected
  3. To keep the skin dry and to keep the area from chafing, consider applying some zinc oxide cream on top
  4. If you’re feeling the itch just isn’t being helped with the creams you’ve put on, consider applying some steroid cream on top.


Applying powder to your groin can get pretty messy if you’re not careful. It’s not really something you can just pull your pants down and do. You should try to do it first thing getting out of the shower after drying – this way the powder will not get on your clothes (unless you like to shower dressed!) and any excess will go on the bathroom floor tiles as opposed to the beautiful velvet carpet your parter is so fond of!
There’s nothing worse than meeting up with friends and only realising too late that your jeans have powder marks all over them.

Winner – CREAM

With the right jock itch cream, application can be a breeze – just slap on the cream and away you go. Where as with powders a little more care and planning has to be taken.


Round 2 – Effectiveness.


Anti-fungal creams have the opportunity to be very effective if applied correctly.

As the cream tends to be rubbed in, you can be sure that a great majority of the cream will be targeted to attacking and stopping your itchy situation. We’re partial to the Puriya Antifungal Cream (so much so that it’s rated #1 in our top 3 jock itch creams!) We love it because this jock itch cream is jam-packed full of anti-fungal ingredients that have antimicrobial properties to whoop your jock itch right in the knocker.


Powders are very effective at keeping an area of the skin dry, this is what they do best! Dermatologists recommend powders over creams generally because they keep the moisture away, however creams typically work faster than powders to relieve the symptoms of jock itch.
This is because powders don’t have a strong sustained attack on the fungus causing tinea cruris (Jock Itch) as over time the powder simply gets rubbed off.

Powders tend to work best in shoes and socks than in underwear.

Powders are however very, very good at stopping chafing, which for a jock itch sufferer can be the most torturous thing of all!

 Winner – POWDER (just!)

What gets powder over the line is its ability to not only stop the crotch rot but also stop chafing which can accelerate the spread of jock itch around your inner thigh area.

Powder is also great at getting and keeping the skin dry – a must for curing jock itch.

For best effectiveness use them together – powder first to effectively dry the area, then a cream to help promote healing. Just make sure there is no powder residue when applying the cream, or you might just end up concreting your legs together!

Cure jock itch with our jock itch comparison chart!

Don’t let jock itch ruin your life! Fight back today with our jock itch cure comparison chart!

Round 3 – Value


A good cream like the industry leader Lamisil Antifungal Cream packs a big bang for a small package. Each cream is different of course but as a rule, the package might be smaller, but you will not need as much applied every time. Also, almost none of it gets wasted unlike jock itch powders, where more can end up on the floor than in your pants!


This really depends on the individual product, but as a rule, you are going to get a LOT more powder for your money than cream.
This isn’t a sure sign of value though, because while the powder is larger, more is wasted actually applying it to the areas needed. Powder will inevitably fall on the floor and/or be cleared off the leg by rubbing clothes. Still, for longevity, powder will typically stay useable longer and is harder to lose than a small packet of cream.

 Winner – CREAM 

While cost per gram proves that powders are better “value”, overall, creams are better value given they treat the area faster, with smaller quantities than you may use with powders.


Winner and overall championCREAM (by a bee’s donger)!


When discussing them side by side, cream just takes the championship belt over powder. 

This being said, it is much better for your crusade if you think of them as partners instead of enemies.
For best results don’t just use powder or cream – use both!

How to apply both a powder and cream effectively.


1. Shower or bathe your body appropriately.

2. Dry off your body well and pay special attention to your groin area. Make sure to use a separate towel for the rest of your body.

3. Apply a powder such as Zeasorb AF Antifungal to the area.

4. Get dressed.

5. An hour or two later, once the powder coating has faded to only residue, apply the jock itch cream (such as market leader Lamisil Antifungal Cream). Rub this in well and allow to air dry for 5-10 minutes.

6. Re-apply powder to successfully dry the area.


That’s it, you have taken two powerful itchy ball sack beating champions and combined them for maximum effect!

Cure jock itch with our jock itch comparison chart!

Don’t let jock itch ruin your life! Fight back today with our jock itch cure comparison chart!

When to Call a Doctor

If you’re finding neither creams nor powder are giving you the relief you need, or that the area isn’t responding well to your treatment, we highly recommend you call a doctor to get a proper check. Here are some other reasons you might want to call a doctor:

  • If your symptoms have not gone away after up to two weeks of treatment and proper hygiene practises.
  • If your symptoms worsen despite using treatments
  • If your symptoms extend beyond what are normal jock itch symptoms
  • If your symptoms worsen and show signs of a skin infection, such as: spreading rash, fever, chills, pus formation, draining sores, and red streaks just under the skin on the abdomen.

Does Jock Itch Smell?

Does Jock Itch Smell?

Jock itch can be a real pain, but does jock itch smell too?

There is no doubt that jock itch is a terrible affliction that not only effects your health but can also be a real Debbie Downer on your social life too! What’s worse, you can also fall victim to the jock itch smell. 

Everyone already thinks you’re weird every time you zen out and and look into the distance (not staring… but just focussing intently on NOT scratching your groin) and now there is a gross smell emanating from your crotch as well!
This might be ok when you are on a crowded bus and can pretend it’s someone else, but it’ll sure as hell stop you taking your one true love to the movies on Friday night. The thought of her cuddling up to you then suddenly breaking away once she realises that musty, yeasty smell is coming from your groin is enough to make a grown man cry. Not cool. NOT cool.

So, in answer to the question – Yes, jock itch can smell.


Before we look into exactly what causes the jock itch smell, and what you can do to combat it, lets learn more about our adversary.

What is Jock Itch?

Jock itch is an infection of the skin caused by an attacking fungus that typically takes hold in moist hot places….like your groin! Jock itch is caused by fungus called dermatophytes – another name for really itchy f**kers.

what are Dermatophytes you ask? Well, they are a super microscopic fungi that live on our dead tissues (hair, nails, skin etc…charming stuff!). They really, really dig moist, warm places but instead of moving to the tropics or South East Asia, they simply set up shop on your balls or upper thigh.

Why do I have Jock itch? I’m not a Jock!

Let’s get this straight – you don’t need to be a jock to get jock itch! It just so happens to be so common in athletes and sportspeople that the damn condition got named after them. They would have called it “Sweaty, moist, warm, stinky groin itch”, but it just doesn’t have the same ring to it. And, if you haven’t figured this one out for yourselves yet…girls can get it too! Whoa…mind blown!

How do I know if I have jock itch?

Now that we know what causes jock itch, lets just determine if you actually have it or not! How do you know if what you have is actually jock itch? Simple, look at the symptoms. If you seem to have a lot of the symptoms listed, chances are that you have yourself a case of runaway crotch rot! Yeeeee Haaaaa!

Jock itch symptoms include:

  • Skin redness around thigh, bum and groin areas of the body
  • Your skin will have a burning or itching sensation and will be way more sensitive to chafing of the inner thigh.
  • Elevated rash that is raised from the unaffected skin.
  • Cracked skin that appears to be flaking, and when touched, either falls away or can be easily peeled away.
  • A musky smell or odor that is emanating in conjunction with any of the above symptoms.

When jock itch symptoms take on a smell, it tends to be something of a cheesy, musky odor. This is due to the yeasty properties of the fungal infection. While it is unlikely to be overbearing, it can definitely be noticeable enough to cause you considerable embarrassment.

Cure jock itch with our jock itch comparison chart!

How do you stop jock itch from smelling?

The best way to stop jock itch from smelling is to make sure you never get it in the first place.
To do that you have to make sure you are keeping your nether regions dry, towelling off completely and quickly after each and every shower. If you sweat, try to minimise the amount of time between sweating and showering off. Jock itch loves dark, warm and moist places, so try to eliminate these ideal environments as much as possible.

If you want a quick fix – a bigger dose of perfume, aftershave or deodorant might do it, though your perfume might mix with the jock itch smell and become some kind of mystical scent like “Sex Panther” from Anchorman – 60% of the time, it works every time”.

Jock Itch Smell - a musky, yeasty scent!

Realistically though, the only sure way to get rid of the smell is to get rid of the problem of jock itch itself, so see our special comparison chart for the best line of treatment for your jock itch.

Funny Austin Powers jock itch picture

The sooner you ditch the itch, the sooner you ditch the smell.

As we broke down earlier in this article, jock itch is caused by a fungi called dermatophytes which are microscopic organisms that dwell in the skin and may linger around for long periods of time if they are not properly treated and tended to.

Unfortunately, jock itch is contagious and has the potential of easily spreading through human contact. The cause of jock itch varies and it usually consists of the same type of fungal organisms that are found in athlete’s foot. Therefore, it has the capability of travelling from the feet, to the groin area, to the hands. The same related fungus can spread from towels to towel racks. Therefore, you might want to think twice before you decide to hang your towel up on the gym rack during your post-workout showers. Some douchebag could be spreading his athlete’s foot or jock itch around the gym without even knowing it.

Jock itch organisms tend to dwell in the dampest and most closed environments. Due to these circumstances, one may think that it’s better to be free and open in their style of clothing and fashion (we do an awesome write up on the top types of clothing to help beat jock itch here). However, this isn’t always necessary. As long as the individual doesn’t consistently wear wet and warm clothing, they should be in the clear for potential jock itch fungal opportunities of dwelling.

Those who are at the greatest risks of being a victim to the jock itch are men, tight underwear wearers, the obese, heavy sweaters and those who may have weakened immune systems or other types of skin conditions.
The reason that Men are usually more prone to getting jock itch is because of the dampness that is involved with their hair and sweating. Statistically men sweat more, and their increased amounts of body hair, add to the amount of heat retained in various parts of their body.

It is important to always shower as soon as a sweating activity has ended. This deters any types of bacteria from invading and conquering the body. Those who are overweight or obese usually tend to sweat more, even in the most calmest environments. Therefore, they are more prone to being in comfort in sweaty and damp clothing for extended periods of time. This offers the fungal bacteria an opportunity to grow and multiply among the individual’s body, while making itself available for leaching onto others through contact.

Over the counter creams, powders and sprays are one solution that can help you to clear up your jock itch. Our comparison table lists the best over the counter (non prescription) solutions available today. Have a look and take your first step toward an itch free groin!

There are also natural jock itch remedies available that have been shown to have enormous success in helping people rid their jock itch affliction! Check out our top 10 natural jock itch cures here!

In conclusion!

The Jock itch smell is real and the only way to stop your jock itch from smelling is to avoid getting jock itch in the first place, or to treat it immediately. Whether you chose natural remedies to cure your jock itch, or opt for over the counter creams, powders and sprays that treat jock itch, the choice is yours. Remember, quick fixes such as deodorant and perfume will no doubt mask your musty smell, but won’t fix the root of your stinky nether-region problem.

Cure jock itch with our jock itch comparison chart!

Any questions, pop them in the comments below!


3 Weird But True Home Remedies For Jock Itch in 2018

3 weird but true jock itch remedies for the home

When thinking about a jock itch cure, here are some of the weirdest (yet most effective) jock itch home remedies in 2018!

What is jock itch? 

Jock itch is a bad ass fungal infection that normally affects all of your sensitive spots, namely the inner thighs, groin area, and the buttocks. Jock itch’s grown up name is tinea crucis fungus – and guess what, this is the very same fungus that causes both athletes foot and ringworm. In fact, jock itch is essentially exactly the same thing, just in a different place on your body!

Not sure you have jock itch? Well, do you have some of the common symptoms such as a burning sensation in the affected area, redness, itching and peeling of the skin in and around your groin area? If so, then I’m sorry to tell you buddy, but you’ve got a case of the jocky itchy!

Jock itch is really caused by 3 things – moisture, heat, lack of fresh of circulating air. These three things combined are the ingredients necessary for the ultimate jock itch breeding ground. A brand new jock itch Shangri La will open whenever the trio of moisture, heat and lack of air join forces.

Is jock itch contagious?

Clear the room! Jock itch is most definitely contagious. For this reason it is of the upmost importance that you never ever share your personal belongings (that may have come into contact with your affected area) with other when you have contracted jock itch.

Not only is your case of crotch rot contagious to other people, but it is also contagious to other parts of your own body. Did you know that a lot of jock itch cases are actually caused from people having athletes foot and accidentally transferring it to the groin. It’s as easy as taking your sock off when you have a mild case of athletes foot and then rubbing your balls afterwards.

How can we cure jock itch? Are there any home remedies for jock itch?

Below are the top three remedies for curing Jock itch, and guess what – the ingredients can be found in most common house holds! The following jock itch treatments may seem a little bit odd, of even kooky,  but they are highly effective to treat the problem in your groin, and who cares what anyone thinks, if they work…they work!

Using Bleach to cure Jock Itch.

bleach can be used to remedy jock itch

I know, it sounds completely bloody bonkers to use it, but I kid you not, bleach is actually a very good remedy for Jock itch. Common house hold bleach can be an awesome preventative of jock itch and can also help with the destruction of the dreaded ailment.

How to use bleach to cure jock itch.

Simply prepare a mixture of two tablespoons of bleach to two glasses of warm water. Take a clean cotton cloth, dip the cloth in the bleach mixture and then apply it on the affected area. Repeat this procedure three to four times daily for several days until you get relief from the symptoms.
Also, you can add a quarter cup of bleach into a bathtub full of water and then climb in and soak in it. If you do this daily, your jock itch symptoms of red skin, itchiness and flakiness will disappear. If you are going to do the soak, then you really do have to do it daily to see any results!

Don’t forget to pat dry the area as moisture can make the condition worse (remember, moisture is one of the three key ingredients that create an environment for jock itch to thrive in).

Salt baths can get great results.

Cure Jock Itch With A Salt Bath

Bathing with salt water is one of the simplest ways to solve your incredibly itchy and uncomfortable jock itch problem.

To cure your crotch rot condition with salt water, follow these instructions – fill the bathtub with warm water and generously add salt to it. You can use iodized salt, bath salt or Epsom salts. Once the salt has been dissolved into the water, you can then proceed to get into the bath yourself and lie in this solution for between twenty to thirty minutes. For best results, the affected area where you are suffering jock itch must be fully submerged. Repeat this procedure for several days, twice each day for better results. Salt contains properties that will help the infection heal quickly as well as control fungus growth.

Onions, the unlikely hero when it comes to defeating jock itch.

Onions are a great jock itch cure

This one definitely takes the cake for me! I know you’re having trouble believing it, but trust me, it’s true! Onion is one hell of a jock itch fighter. If fact it’s one of the very best.

Why does it work you ask? Well, onion contains anti biotic, anti-fungal and anti flammatory properties that are effective against tinea cruris, the causer of Jock itch and ahtlete’s foot fungus conditions.

How do you use onion to cure jock itch?

This is a great home remedy for treating jock itch…I mean, what house doesn’t have an onion in the kitchen!
Prepare a paste of onion by chopping up and grounding an union until it is sloppy like a paste. Carefully apply your recently created onion paste to the infuriating crotch rot you are suffering. Leave the paste on your jock itch affected area for around half an hour before rinsing with luke warm water. Pat the area dry with a clean cloth or use a blow dryer to dry the area. You do this because as we have stated before, moisture is a sure way to jock itch settling in on your crotch. You can use onion juice instead of onion paste; they work similar to help cure the symptoms.

Onion is also worth adding to your diet too! If you add enough onion to your cooking then it will also provide your body with micro-bacterial protection from the inside out!

BONUS home remedy for jock itch! Baking soda!

I know we said we’d only be listing 3 home remedies for jock itch, but we couldn’t help ourselves from including the next one because it’s simply that good!

This technique consists of creating a paste that you apply to the affected jock itch area. Simple really.

First step you need to do is take 1 -2 teaspoons of regular, household baking soda, then add it to a mixing bowl. Then add a little bit of water and stir. If it is too gluggy, add a little bit more water and stir some more. What you are trying to achieve is a paste like consistency (think toothpaste).
Then, take your newly mixed baking soda paste and apply it all over the skin where jock itch is a problem. Apply copious amounts. Baking soda is cheap so the cost isn’t too extreme if you add more. Leave this paste on the affected jock itch area for at least 15 minutes. This is a good time to get comfy and watch some tv or read a good book.
Once the 15 minutes is up, simply wipe the area to remove the baking soda and then pat dry – make sure the area is 100& dry before putting your clothes back on.

For best results with this method, apply the baking soda twice a day.

Why does baking soda cure jock itch?

Ah, glorious baking soda. It’s a common element found in nearly every kitchen in America and it is a total bad ass when it comes to defeating the infamous crotch rot, aka. jock itch!

But, why does it work so well in curing jock itch? Well, baking soda has very strong drying and soothing properties. It is good for neutralising ph levels on the jock itch prone area, which in turn will help reduce any infection to the area.
Baking soda’s unheralded anti-fungal properties also deal with infection in an effective way too.


How to prevent jock itch from re-occurring!

Though more common in men, Jock itch can affect anyone.

Once your jock itch condition improves, prevent its re-occurrence by:

  • Washing your work out clothing well after each use. Don’t contain yourself in sweaty clothes for a second more than you have to.
  • Do not store your damp or wet clothing in enclosed spaces such as in a locker or closet. This is because when you finally change into those clothes they will be damp and moist – the perfect conditions for jock itch.
  • Changing your inner under wear daily, or more particularly if you take part in activities that make you sweat a lot such as working out or gardening.
  • If you are vulnerable to sweating and creating moisture, then applying drying powders after taking a shower or being active is a good way to mitigate this.
  • Not wearing clothing that is too tight at least from the waist downwards! Keep all of your clothing free flowing to increase airflow to the groin!

Jock itch is an uncomfortable condition and taking care of your hygiene will prevent future reoccurrences. Any one jock itch cure from above will deliver some positive results when trying to remedy its effects and give you peace of mind. That being said, sometimes specific creams, soaps and powders will tend to always do a faster, more targeted job.

Cure jock itch with our jock itch comparison chart!

Have a look at our jock itch comparison chart here to see which would be most effective for you.

Is the best thing for jock itch baby wipes?

Are Baby Wipes the Best Thing For Jock Itch?

Baby wipes are a miracle worker with so many applications, just ask any mother! But, can they be the best thing for jock itch as well?

Tinea cruris, commonly known as jock itch, is a fungal infection that often affects the genital area, the groin, buttons and the inner thighs, or in other words, all the hard to reach, intimate bits where a dude really doesn’t want to be itching!

Unlike the name, jock itch does not only affect “jocks” or rather athletes but also women and men (yep, women can get jock itch too!). Still, it’s more common in men than women. Men tend to sweat a lot more and well, take less frequent baths than women… simply put, we’re a lot of stinkin’ cavemen at the best of times.

You might be wondering why you have
jock itch that’s not going away.

Some of the culprits that cause a badass case of crotch rot (jock itch) are excessive sweating, being overweight and having a weakened immune system. Also, tight and abrasive underwear may cause friction downstairs in the groin area. That’s why you should NEVER skimp on a good pair of underwear!) The fungi that fuels jock itch thrive on sweaty and wet skin and these environments promote their growth. More so, using the same towel on your feet and on the groin may spread the fungus if you have athletes foot – seriously, a leading cause of jock itch is athletes foot and cross contamination between the towels or creams you use on your feet and crotch – so keep focused, don’t use the same towel and wash your hands after touching your feet and crotch! That should be a given anyway gents!

Itching is the most dreadful symptom of jock itch.

Most people report that itching is frustrating, uncomfortable and depressing. The itching gets worse as you scratch, to the point where you just want to cut the bloody lot off and be done with it! The skin then becomes red, inflamed and chaffed with a burning sensation. Though jock itch is pretty common, the topic is usually hushed as people don’t openly talk about their private parts. It can be a real love life killer too. 

Now, probably you’re knocking your head off trying to get the best thing for jock itch.

Probably you have tried creams, lotions, powders, but the jock itch isn’t going away. Picture this; Usain Bolt the half god half man fastest man on earth is, in his usual casual stride, flying down the track about to take his 400th gold medal and then suddenly he stops, reaches for his balls and gives them a good old scratch… can you see that happening? Didn’t think so. It’s the same with nearly everyone who suffers jock itch, you can’t simply stop what you are doing and itch your groin – you’ve got shit to do!
You need a solution and get you jock itch free and back on your way. Well here’s one you might never have heard of before!


Did you know you can use baby wipes to keep jock itch at bay? Jock itch may be persistent and stubborn, but baby wipes can the best thing for jock itch.

So, how the hell do baby wipes cure jock itch? Aren’t baby wipes for babies? Well, they may be but these ingenious wipes can control and prevent jock itch.

How do baby wipes to cure jock itch?

Going from dry to sweaty can create absolute havoc down there. The skin gets chafed and raw. You don’t need to do the duck walk because your butt is so chaffed and the skin feels as if it has just been sandpapered…ouch! Baby wipes offer a fast clean up for the groin during the day. The wipes are often biodegradable (make sure you get the ones that are! The un-biodegradable ones can wreak their own havoc, this time on the planet!).

You can use the wipes on the affected area to cool the inflamed and burning skin and also kill fungi. These little beauties will give you a reprieve from the insane urge to constantly scratch! Check that the wipes don’t have harsh chemicals before purchasing them though, go with reputed brands. You can use Dude wipes anytime because they are 100% natural and are safe to use.

How to use baby wipes to beat jock itch in it’s tracks!

  • When you get a chance slip to the bathroom, take some wipes with you.
  • Remove the seal of the wipes package and take one piece.
  • Wipe the affected area.
  • When you remove the wipe and let the area dry before you pull up your clothes. Some people feel some tingling feeling but that only shows it’s working. Thereafter, you will feel cool and clean. Once it dries out it feels like you’ve just used powder. How cool is that?
  • You will note positive change with continued use. But, within a day or two you will see a marked difference, and you’ll be looking forward to using them! 

When can you use baby wipes for jock itch?

If you are out for too long and you tend to sweat a lot, carry these with you. Use them often within the day when you go to the bathroom during work breaks or workout breaks.

What wipes are the best thing for jock itch?

Below are baby wipes that give tremendous results with continued use. They will all work to some degree. We have sorted them into rank of least to most effective. 

Number 3.
Whice Wet Wipes Specially Designed for Men’s Body, Hands and Face. 

Whice wipes for men can cure jock itch

Whice wipes are the goods. They get the job done and are made “man” sized. Also, they are made from soft and resistant cloth. When used they leave a feeling of clean and fresh skin. They also contain Aloe Vera that soothes inflamed skin. They are made from natural ingredients and are free from alcohol and paraben. Also, they have a masculine fragrance and promote hygiene of the skin. Nevertheless, the wipes are made from cloth and are not flushable (unless of course you love spending $$$$ on plumbing bills!).


Number 2.
Goodwipes – Below the Belt Cleansing Flushable Wipes

the best thing to beat jock itch are good wipes

Good wipes are cleansing wipes designed for men. They cleanse and deodorize the whole body, including the “goods” below the belt. They are a great addition to the regular bathroom routine for an extremely clean and fresh feel after a long day.
They bash out post workout smell and kill built up bacteria. They have vitamin E, chamomile and aloe that are gentle on the skin. They sooth and relieve the discomfort of inflamed skin cause by jock itch. They are also flushable because they are made with biodegradable material. Good wipes are alcohol-free and are hypoallergenic.


Number 1.
Dude Wipes – Flushable Wipes, with Aloe Vera.


Dude wipes are the best option for jock itch. They are the top brand available on Amazon, and for good reasons. They have over 700 reviews on amazon – most of which are 5 star. Simply put – these are the goods. When it comes to wipes, there’s nothing better. Period.

  • They are flushable because they break down like tissue paper, making them a great option that conserves our environment.
  • They have aloe Vera and vitamin E which soothe itchy and inflamed skin.
  • Dude wipes are tested and approved by doctors to be hypoallergenic and can be used by people with sensitive skin.

Dude wipes have natural ingredients and are free from alcohol and paraben. They are perfect for dudes who sweat long and work for long hours. They are discreet, functional and effective to use and leave you odor free, clean and fresh.

Dude wipes will relieve itching and don’t activate more itching unlike other wipes. They are of decent shapes and are pocket sized and easy to carry anywhere.  You can use it before starting a workout or after and for quick cleanup during the day and during sports activities. Moreover they have neutral scents that don’t linger for long and dries faster than unlike other brands.

Here’s one review from a customer on Amazon that we thought was particularly funny – 

Amazon Review – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) A.R. – Pretty amaze-balls –  Basically if you go to the bathroom (which every one does), and if you’re a dude and if any of the following apply:

  • Workout to an extent where you’ve at least raised your hear rate (i’d even include bowling as an “exercise” in this example)
  • You have a date in the forseeable future
  • Want to not smell like an arm pit
I’d recommend dude wipes.

So if you’ve ever been caught pants down trying to fight fair with jock itch then you can say “Not anymore!”. Use these wet wipes to get an ultimate clean that will leave your skin nurtured and refreshing. Make your best friend and you will forget how to even spell jock itch.

Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap Cleansing Wash Review

Read on for the comprehensive review of Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap Cleansing Wash.

funga soap review for jock itch relief

Excess moisture and sweating, tight underwear and friction on the thighs and groin are all culprits that worsen fungal skin infections and bacterial growth that cause jock itch.

The fungal skin infection often characterized by dry, itchy and inflamed skin can get so uncomfortable and make you a grumpy asshole that no one wants to hang with. The skin gets so irritated that you constantly feel the urge to scratch and scratch and scratch, until you tear your cahoonas right off. Unfortunately, this further aggravates the situation because the infection worsens and spreads further.

Here’s where Funga soap comes like f**kin’ superman. Funga soap is a natural jock itch treatment that cleanses the skin, removing all dirt and sweat. It also kills and washes away bacteria and fungi that cause jock itch from the skin surface. Moreover, it soothes irritation and inflammation of dry and itchy skin, leaving the skin clean, moisturized and odor free.   


  • A natural cleanser that washes away fungi and bacteria from the skin surface and prevents recurrence of fungal skin infections.
  • Eliminates skin odor because it has natural deodorizers that reduce and prevent bad odor.
  • Provides immediate relief to dry, itchy and inflamed skin associated with jock itch.

 Amazon review  HReo – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “I’m so glad I tried this product as I wasn’t able to stop scratching in that certain area and this worked.”

  • It is easy to use, lathers well and it’s an efficient and cheap jock itch treatment unlike creams, powders and lotions.
  • It is gentle on the skin and can be used by people with sensitive skin.
  • Funga Soap a pleasant aroma.
  • Funga Soap has no harmful side effects because it contains natural ingredients.
  • It is versatile and also cures fungal skin infections that cause athletes foot and toe nail fungus.

funga soap can cure skin irritation and itchiness


Some people report that the eucalyptus smell is too strong, but that is just a small price to pay for the effectiveness of the soap. It works!

General thoughts on Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap Cleansing Wash

Funga soap is a natural jock itch treatment that relieves itching and other symptoms associated with jock itch. It cleanses and deodorizes the skin, leaving it clean and fresh, and ready for lovin’. The amazing fact is that it controls bad odor and prevents excessive sweating that promotes the growth of fungi and bacteria on the skin. So, yes, it totally cures jock itch.

Doctors may recommend the soap in combination with creams, lotions or oral medications, it can work on its own, put it also makes a wham bam combo punch if paired with a cream or powder. It is easy to use in the shower and can be used on a daily basis.

The soap is patented, so yes, it works! And you won’t find another like that.


The main ingredient is Tea Tree oil

The soap is enriched with Tea Tree oil, which is widely known for its amazing healing properties. The essential oil that has been used since ancient times to fight disease causing organisms and prevent infection and re-infection of the skin. It is the key ingredient in the soap that clears all fungal skin infections, kills bacteria, cleans, refreshes and deodorizes the body.


What customers are saying about Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap Cleansing Wash

Here’s what other customers are saying about this amazing cheap jock itch treatment.

Amazon review – D.F McBride – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “This product really works I got rid of a severe case of athletes foot and pills did not work. This product helped my foot in just a few days. Also works well on other fungal conditions like jock itch. Can be used as a general body wash too, except the scalp. They also make crystals you can use while this product is on back-order. Highly recommended.”

Amazon review – Honest Joe – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “I grapple, play sports, and I have skin fungus since I was a teen. This soap helps with my skin problems. I had a ring worm and this was more effective than the athlete’s foot cream that I was using. The mint sensation makes me feel refreshed every time when I use it. I recommend this product!”

Amazon review – Busy mom – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “This soap is something I’ve been using in the shower for a few weeks now and really do love how great it works at clearing up skin irritations, acne & helping control body odor (it doesn’t hurt to knock out bacteria so odor won’t start). I’ve had a skin irritation that comes and goes, so after just 3 days of using this soap in that specific area the irritation is going away. This also works great on acne, the occasional breakouts I get are also going away. I don’t have much dryness with this soap because I use a moisturizing body wash along with it and only use about a quarter size drop of this stuff per shower. Everyone’s skin is different, so is their tolerance to scents… I can’t handle tea tree oil on its own because the smell is too overpowering for me. This soap has a subtle, yet still distinct smell of tea tree oil yet isn’t overpowering for me.”

Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap Cleansing Wash today!


Cure jock itch with our jock itch comparison chart!

Don’t let jock itch ruin your life! Fight back today with our jock itch cure comparison chart!

Anti Monkey Butt Lady Powder Review

Read on for our comprehensive review of Anti Monkey Butt Lady Powder

lady monkey butt powder review for combatting female jock itch

We’ve got some news for you, it’s pretty mind-blowing so please make sure you are sitting down! Ok, here goes…you can find jock itch on women! Yep, that’s right, we said it! Women, ladies, girls, females can and do get jock itch!

With that in mind we have decided to review what is effectively a powder aimed specifically at women…in fact Lady Anti Monkey Butt Powder is specifically formulated for women. It has been developed to work wonders on any areas that rub or are susceptible to moisture. They reckon it goes on satin smooth and can help you control your chafing, skin irritations and female jock itch.

Michelle Obama has itchy balls

So does it live up to the hype?


  • Absorbs excess sweat, keeping you dry and comfortable for long hours.
  • It is great for itchy skin and is an effective jock itch treatment for women. Regular and consistent use can cure jock itch in women.
  • Reduces itchiness, pain and discomfort associated with chafing.
  • Leaves a cooling effect on chafed and irritated skin.
  • Has a pleasant fragrance and keeps you odor free for a long time.

Amazon review – Jen Roberts5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “Will never run out of this again. It is a silky soft powder for a woman’s private place and cuts down on body odor and sweating!!!!”


  • Some people are shy to buy the powder at the stores because of its name! Well, as weird as the name sounds, the powder works. Try to use it just once and you’ll be hooked. 

General thoughts on Anti Monkey Butt Lady Powder

Anti Monkey Butt Lady is the best jock itch powder for women. It  is smoothly formulated to reduce friction between the thighs and prevent soreness, itchiness and chafing and provides protection for long hours. The powder is a cheap jock itch powder for girls who care about their bodies. It is tailor made for usage on the butt, thighs, armpits and under and between the breasts.  

So ask yourself the following – Do you get slow due to excessive sweating and discomfort as you go about the day? Anti Monkey butt powder may be the answer to your female jock itch condition. It keeps you dry and comfortable during sweaty activities such as workouts, horse riding, cycling and driving and can optimize your performance in the sporting activities.

The main ingredient in Monkey Butt Lady Powder is cornstarch and calamine!

Female jock itch powder ingredients

You know what makes this powder awesome? It contains cornstarch and calamine powder. Yes! The power couple that work together to absorb sweat and fight friction, and thus keeps irritation at bay. Cornstarch absorbs moisture to keep you dry and comfortable while Calamine relieves itching and soothes irritated skin. Moreover, cornstarch makes the powder satin smooth and light with a pleasant fragrance.
No more itchy craziness because  “Monkey butt” powder works!


Important information about Anti Monkey Butt Lady Powder

Maybe you’re wondering what is the best jock itch treatment for women between creams and powders. Well, Anti Monkey is the best jock itch powder for women. It keeps the butt dry, cool and itch free. But how do you apply without making a mess in your room? How do you ensure that you get the desired results? I’ll tell you how.

  • First, take a shower. Never use the powder over a sweaty body unless you want to stink like hell!
  • Ensure to dry yourself well before using it.
  • Put a small amount of powder on the palms of your hand and rub it on the affected area.
  • Gently rub it on the thighs and butt, then go ahead and put on your undergarments.
  • Remember, don’t use too much powder. Less is always more! Say goodbye to the jock itch menace for good!


What customers are saying about Anti Monkey Butt Lady Powder

Here’s what other customers are saying about this awesome jock itch eliminator!

Amazon review – Cunningham – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “I laughed at the name of this product but decided to get it anyways. I LOVE it! While working outside I put some underneath my belly, along the underwear line, where I always get sweating, chaffing and redness. It kept me dry and chaff free! My tummy was still dry the next day too! This is going to be a must have whenever I am working outside or hiking!”

Amazon review – Nancy S Walk – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “Best powder ever. Don’t know why it’s named as it is and it’s weird asking for it in a store but this stuff works. No butt rashes for me anymore! What a relief.”

Amazon review – Kindle Customer – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “This body powder does the trick, smells nice, does not cause irritation. Keeps you smelling fresh. I would definitely recommend!”

Get Anti Monkey Butt Lady Powder today!

Gold Bond Medicated Extra Strength Body Lotion Review

Read on for our comprehensive review of Gold Bond Medicated Extra Strength Body Lotion

Review of Gold Bond Medicated Extra Strength Body Lotion cream for jock itch


Amazon review – Barbara – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – This is the only thing that stops my itchy skin… I have tried tens of creams this is it. I buy by the case for at night.

Gold Bond Pros:

  • Provides relief from itching and can get rid of jock itch. Some users have reported that consistent use of the lotion cures itching.
  • Gold Bond Body Lotion contains emollients, lipids, aloe Vera and Vitamin E that protect, moisturize, cool and soothe the skin from the burning sensation caused by chafing and itching.
  • It moisturizes the skin and keeps it hydrated without making you feel greasy.
  • Super easy to apply and absorbs into the skin very quickly.
  • It has a pleasant smell that is refreshing and is odor-free.
  • The cream be used by both men and women.

Gold Bond Cons:

  • You might feel a slight burning sensation when you apply the lotion at first, which some people find uncomfortable, but it only means that the active ingredients are at work, fighting to give your balls a break from constant itching. In no time, the burning sensation will be replaced by a cool and refreshing feeling.
  • You may not find the lotion in all stores, but then Amazon has got your back. You can order bulk purchase and get it within a very short time.

General thoughts on Gold Bond Medicated Extra Strength Body Lotion

Gold Bond Medicated Extra Strength Body Lotion has triple action effect; moisturizing, soothing and itch relief. It is excellent for relieving dry and itchy skin and stays on for a long time that you don’t need to keep re-applying. This is exactly what you need for jock itch prevention! No more super hot itching or flaking due to dryness.

Amazon ReviewMbivey – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) I love this lotion. It isn’t sexy or have some huge marketing campaign…it just plain works. Of course you’ll smell a little minty (or like eucalyptus) and its refreshingly cooling. Not greasy at all and it will leave you feeling moisturized.

Moreover, it gives you a deep moisturizing feeling without leaving a greasy skin feel, unlike other lotions. Thus, the crotch remains nicely dried, but well moisturized at the same time. Ooooohh yeah!

Gold Bond Extra Medicated Body Lotion for jock itch relief

Lastly, it is natural and has no artificial dyes like collagen or gelatin peptides. Hence it causes no allergies and everyone can use it, no matter how sensitive their skin.

The Active ingredient in Gold Bond Medicated Extra Strength Body Lotion is menthol

Menthol is the active ingredient in Gold Bond lotion

Menthol is a friggin’ awesome jock itch fighter. Besides it’s amazing aroma, it actually does not irritate the skin, instead it, relieves it. It will calm any burning sensation and will leave a cooling effect on the skin. However, to get the full benefits of this product continue using the lotion until all the symptoms disappear to avoid recurrence of the symptoms.

Important information about Gold Bond Medicated Extra Strength Body Lotion

Gold bond lotion should only be used externally. Yep, that’s right…don’t swallow it! It is contraindicated for wounds, burns and animal bites. Therefore, don’t use it on irritated or broken skin because it can aggravate the conditions.


What other customers are saying

Here’s what other customers have to say about Gold Bond Medicated Extra Strength Body Lotion

Amazon Review – Magda’s dad 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – This is my (our… The whole family uses it) “go-to” solution for so many skin issues. Soothing relief from dry skin itch, a mild burn, rough heels, jock itch, raw butt. Sorry, it goes everywhere and it literally travels with us to all destinations.The richness of the cream distributes the relief evenly and distinctly. I use it every day and have been for at least 15 years… Maybe 20. I could not recommend it more highly.

Amazon Review – Bob Haskins – 4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5) – Gold Bond medicated goes on nice and dry with full absorption happening very quickly. Pretty much as soon as you get done applying it your fingers are able to pick things up and keep hold of them. Nice ability to have 🙂 Nice to slather this stuff on straight out the shower and know your skin won’t be itching or flaking due to dryness. Winter in Wisconsin dries you out like nowhere else. The medicated Gold Bond has a nice menthol aroma to it, that’s not offensive by any means. The pack of three was delivered quickly at a good price. No complaints here.

Gold Bond for treating jock itch symptoms review

Amazon Review – Gina Gippi– 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – This lotion is great. It has a pleasant scent, it helps itchy skin, and it moisturizes well. It does what it says it will do. What more can you ask for. This lotion tops aveeno and eucerin for itchy skin.

Amazon Review – lamchops sf – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – I’ve been using this lotion for a while and its been great. I mainly got it because it was anti itching, but after using it. I’ve found it has other qualities I quite like which are that it doesn’t leave your skin feeling oily after use and it also doesn’t have a strong smell.Only a minor complaint is that depending on where you apply it there can be a minor burning feeling. Overall, I’m very happy with this lotion and would definitely recommend it!


Get Gold Bond Medicated Extra Strength Body Lotion today!

Defense Soap Antifungal Body Wash Shower Gel Review

Read on for our comprehensive review of Defense Soap Antifungal Body Wash Shower Gel.

Defense soap review for killing jock itch dead

Suffering from a pretty heavy case of jock itch? need something for the shower/bath to help you kick the itch? Read our review of Defense Soap’s antifungal body shower wash gel. Defense Soap is a company that started out selling their soap bar (which we reckon is the best soap bar for jock itch relief) to MMA, jiu-jitsu and wrestling athletes – you know, the ones who get pretty sweaty. It was to combat the high numbers of skin infections and ailments that these fighters and atheltes endure. They are best known for their antibacterial and antifungal properties.
The shower wash gel reviewed here seems to live up to their high standards, and we are not surprised.


  • When used consistently, this product will help you get rid of your jock itch.
  • It helps control the production of sebum as well as it restores the skin’s natural protective barrier.
  • Clinically proven to contain only natural ingredients, which effectively wash away bacteria, viruses and fungus.
  • Safe to use if you have sensitive skin.
  • The main ingredients are tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil.
  • Defense Soap contains no alcohol, perfumes, triclosan, petrochemical compounds and sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Very good for deep cleansing pores.
  • Hypo allergenic.
  • Organic.


  • Expensive.
  • It can dry the skin.
  • Hard to find it in pharmacies.
  • The bottle top can clog sometimes.

General thoughts on Defense Soap Antifungal Body Wash Shower Gel

Defense Soap Antifungal Body Wash Shower Gel is a great solution for your jock itch problem. It is a shower gel which means that it is very, very convenient to use. Simply pull it out and use it in your next shower session. It is recommended to apply a small amount to a net sponge and then wash the affected area. Leave it on the skin for a couple of minutes and then rinse it with water – voila, job done!

Other ingredients of Defense Soap Antifungal Body Wash Shower Gel except tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil are jojoba oil, aloe vera, glycerin extract and saponified oils of olive and coconut.

The main ingredients are tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil

Tea tree oil – also known as melaleuca oil is an essential oil taken from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a native plant in Australia. Tea tree essential oil has a camphoraceous odor and a color ranging from pale yellow to nearly without a color at all. Be aware that tea tree oil is toxic when taken orally, even though it is widely used in producing various cosmetic products and skin washes. Tea tree oil is an antimicrobial and antiseptic. Studies have shown that it even kills methicillin – resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

Eucalyptus oil – is an essential oil taken from the leaves of Eucalyptus, a plant native in Australia and cultivated worldwide. It has antiseptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, as well as topical analgesic. It has also anti-inflammatory effects.

Important information about Defense Soap Antifungal Body Wash Shower Gel

defense soap shower gel ito cure skin problems

Make sure to use Defense Soap Antifungal Body Shower Gel just as prescribed by your doctor. If, you have started using it without consulting a doctor first, make sure to follow the instructions on how and when to use it.

You should apply a small amount of shower gel to a net sponge and work into a thick layer. Allow to remain some time on the skin. Do not rinse immediately. It’s best to use Defense Soap Antifungal Body Wash within a few hours after contamination.

What customers are saying about Defense Soap Shower Gel

Here’s what other costumers have to say about Defense Soap Antifungal Body Wash Shower Gel

Amazon review – Old Shop Teacher 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) This works great on any fungus or germ related break out. It has a pleasant smell. IT STOPS jock itch in its tracks (er in your shorts)”

Amazon review – Jill Smith 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) Love this product! Helps with so many different skin conditions…. Have purchased it twice and will be purchasing it again!”

Amazon review – Sara Mills 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) Cleared up my husband’s ringworm in less than 72 hours and prevented it from coming back! Will be purchasing again!”

Get Defense Soap Antifungal Body Wash Shower Gel today!

Can drumming cause jock itch? Banging sticks and itchy pricks

Is drumming causing your jock itch?

Drumming Causing Jock Itch and Itchy Balls

You’re having the time of your life in a major gig, opening for a band you have always looked up to. Banging away on your drums, you notice an uncomfortable, lightly-burning sensation whenever your jeans hits your balls. You fight the urge to scratch, cringing at the very thought of how satisfying it is to just scratch away on those balls!
Finally the gig ends, you walk into the dressing room; first thing you do is the classic “pinch and roll”.

“Why are my balls itchy as hell?”, you ask yourself. Is this…STD? Is this JOCK ITCH? “But I’m no jock” you say! “Only athletes get jock itch!”.

jock itch funny picture

Sounds familiar? It may not be that common among drummers, but many, many drummers do get jock itch! And most of them tend to hide it from their peers and family members, afraid of the judging looks and thoughts. However, jock itch among drummers is way, way, way more common than you would think. And this is important as being embarrassed by this will not only lower self esteem, but it also affects performance levels of some, with a few totally giving up drumming due to the irresistible and uncontrollable urge to scratch during shows.

And because we at Jock Itch Crusader care for you and your nuggets’ health, let us shed light on why those pebbles itch, why you have it, and what you can do to make it go away!

Tinea cruris, or jock itch, is a fungal infection of the groin caused by dermatophytes. Dermatophytes live off on the body’s dead skin cells and thrive in warm and moist areas of the body, which are areas where you also sweat the most. And don’t tell us that your family jewels don’t sweat!

Imagine your balls as a sort of “beach”, where these dermatophytes are the annoying and rowdy tourists that swarm during the summer for the warm and cozy environment. Only in jock itch, they have enjoyed the warm confines of your nuts so much that they decide to have a “permanent vacation”, tagging along their friends and relatives to their new haven, with their drums banging away on your plums at all times of the day.

So while most people disregard drumming as the cause of why them pebbles itch and burn so much, the truth is, drumming can cause jock itch.

The hot and humid environment causes you to sweat, which causes your balls to shed some skin, which is food for those unwanted creatures that cause jock itch.

Once in their new homes, these dermatophytes secrete substances that irritate the skin surrounding your grapes. And they ain’t called jock itch for nothing! They are bloody itchy!

Intertrigo. Close-up of an intertrigo rash and fungal infection in the lower abdominal skin folds of a male diabetic patient. The skin is red and inflamed. Intertrigo is an inflammation caused by warm, sweaty folds of skin rubbing repeatedly together. The affected area may blister and become odorous. Intertrigo is most common in the obese or elderly, and usually occurs on the thighs, armpits, breasts, folds of the abdomen, or between the fingers. Treatment includes weight reduction and keeping affected areas as clean and dry as possible. Fungal infections are common in diabetics; treatment is with anti-fungal medication.

They may also cause a reddish discoloration on your groin area, and sometimes these areas are elevated compared to the surrounding skin – it’s like them building a platform for all of to see how much of a good time they’re having chomping away on your balls.

Acute infections, or new infections, usually have a moist rash on the affected areas. Chronic infections, or those that go untreated, have a dry, scaly rash. Whether it acute or chronic, both types are still itchy as f**k.

Itchy balls and legs? Check! Reddish groin? Check! Scaly areas? Check! Well, it looks like you have jock itch! But don’t worry, medications and good hygiene go a long way in curing this infection.

The remedy for jock itch, as you will find out, is good hygiene and proper medications.

But here are some tips specifically created for drummers to banish these unwelcome tourists from the land of your future sons!

  • Keep the affected areas dry – Sweat occurs naturally, we can’t control it. We can control, however, how wet with sweat the area is. Thoroughly dry the area with a clean and dry towel. It is important that this is your OWN towel, and specifically for your balls. REMEMBER, jock itch is contagious! So having your own towels for the specifically affected areas is important.
  • You can also use deodorant powders to prevent moisture build-up and to keep the area dry. One excellent product is the Gold Bond Medicated Extra Strength Powder. Not only does this powder keep you dry, but it also has a cooling effect, which is perfect for those hot and humid nights banging away on your drums in front of hundreds!
    Gold Bond Powder review
  • Wash the area with mild soap and water – Not just any soap, but soap specifically made for infections. It is important that these soaps have antibacterial and antifungal activity, such as Defense Soap. This is one of the best over-the-counter remedies that we could suggest. What’s perfect with this soap is that it is hypoallergenic , which means it won’t cause you any allergies or irritations, and it contains natural ingredients such as eucalyptus oil, which has proven anti-fungal properties.

What is the best soap for jock itch?

  • NEVER SCRATCH! Okay, this part is HARD to do. Itchiness leads to scratching, and in the case of jock itch, more scratching leads to irritation, which will lead to I’d-do-anything-to-stop-the-itchiness prayers. Luckily, there are products that relieve itching, and the most effective and recommended is Tinactin Jock Itch Spray. It is 100% safe and effective, and is highly recommended by trainers. If itching is your biggest problem, then we highly recommend you use this.
  • Anti-fungal creams and medications – check out our comparison chart for the best anti-fungal medication for you.


Curing yourself from jock itch doesn’t mean you won’t have it again.

Recurrence is a big possibility, so you have to keep some things in mind to prevent the itch from coming back! Remember…jock itch prevention is ALWAYS better than a cure. 

Never let these bad boys ruin your nightly gig! You may have the best over-the-counter remedies, but prevention of jock itch is as important, if not more important, than curing it.  

  • As much as possible, drum in shorts. The ventilation created will prevent humidity and warmth in those sweet spots. Besides, it gives you more freedom of movement!
  • Keep your nuts clean and dry! You can use Defense Soap as your exclusive soap for ‘em nuts. And before drumming, you can use deodorants and anti-perspirants for the area.
  • Bring extra undies – This may seem like a tip for women, but if you want to be itch-free, you have to be clean. And another way of doing it is by changing your underwear after each set, if possible. You may have banged away in an air-conditioned theater, but those nuts still feel the warmth of being in a tight space. Changing your underwear prevents build-up of dead skin cells, which is the food of these itchy mofos.

5 best underwear choices for jock itch

  • Bathe before going to bed every night, drum or not, sweat or no sweat. You may be tired, but do it for your kids down there.
  • You may have heard or read somewhere that trimming your pubes is the remedy for jock itch. It may help relieve the itch, but it is not the cure for jock itch. Dermatophytes won’t care if you’re bald down there or not, as long as it’s moist, humid and there’s plenty of food, they’re good!

So remember – drumming CAN CAUSE jock itch, but it is curable!

Review of Fresh Balls The Solution For Men

Read on for our comprehensive review of Fresh Balls The Solution For Men

Fresh Balls review jock itch cream review

Ok, so as you can probably see, there are a million and one different creams and gels for fighting jock itch out there. In fact, we did a review here of what we think are the top three (not taking into account Fresh Balls).
But, out of all the brands out there you gotta agree – Fresh Balls are doing it to the beat of their own drum. First, there’s the name… It does what it says on the tin (the good ol’ fashioned way!). Second, there’s their mantra “Keeping you fresh is our only priority” and third but not least is their price – at roughly 10 bucks a pop, they make a pretty compelling argument!

First up – let’s look at the pros and cons of Fresh Balls.


  • Prevents wetness in the groin by keeping the area dry and fresh. The lotion quickly turns to a powder once you apply it and dries up quickly.
  • It relieves itching and chafing and can cure jock itch.

Amazon review –Chefmike200  (usr= 5) This product is a miracle. Stops Schwetty Balls and Swampass! Finally a cure for a hot chef! Gets rid of ball stank!

  • It is smooth and easy to apply. 
  • It is natural and free from Aluminium, Paraben and Talc.
  • Has a great scent and keeps you odor-free for 24 hours.
  • It is easy to rinse off and leaves no mess in your clothes or the bathroom.


  • If you are not careful when opening the bottle, a large amount may spurt out and make a mess. To avoid this, unscrew and remove the cap instead of flipping it up instead to avoid messing up.
  • It is not easily available at all drug stores and shipping is expensive (though not so much with Amazon). Nevertheless, once you purchase it you will get value for your money.

General thought on Fresh Balls The Solution For Men

Fresh Balls The Solution for Men is a very effective cream for jock itch. No matter how hot the weather is you can be sure that your balls will remain dry. It gives a cooling effect leaving your groin fresh and dry and relieves itching immediately.

Amazon review – M anonomoose – (usr=5) – “A great answer to Summers heat. It keeps them dry.”

Once the cream is applied, it dries up as a powder which locks moisture and prevents wetness and chafing. Moreover, you won’t feel do sweaty and sticky or itchy. You will remain in blissful comfort and forget the horrible memories of clammy, sticky and painful itchy balls.

You know that uncomfortable feeling of being sweaty, sticky and chafing in your groin? You can forget about it completely.


Important information about Fresh Balls The Solution for Men

Now, for this to work out perfectly; you have to do the following

Keep your groin very dry!

This is very important if this cream is to be effective. Be sure to dry yourself completely after taking a shower. Then, apply it. You don’t want to make it work overtime by applying it on a wet crotch!

Excess Sweating Can Cause Jock Itch

Wear the right fabrics

Choose light, cotton undies to cover your man down there. Yes, Fresh balls do keep the balls fresh, but wearing light fabric helps a lot to make you more comfortable – need a hand finding the best underwear for jock itch sufferers? Look no further!).

sweat wicking material can help keep groin dry and less likely to develop jock itch

Proper hygiene

Shower preferably twice a day. Don’t apply the cream on top of an older layer that you had applied in the morning. Shower first after a long day, then apply the cream.  

What customers are saying about Fresh Balls.

Here’s what verified purchasers of this jock itch product are saying!

Amazon review – Joe – (Usr=5) – “If you’re a guy you know you go through s*** like this a lot, from working all day to a trip to the gym. Even just being out in a hot day it sucks. putting this on is easy, put on, let dry and good to go smell and sweat free all day and smells like i just threw on some cologne down there which i guess if you got your ladies going for a day trip I am sure they’d appreciate it. lol ! def good product.”

Amazon review – Noles 1983 –  5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – “This stuff is amazing, goes on wet but ends up like a powder!? Really helps with chaffing and keeps that area nice and fresh.”

Amazon review – Renee D – 4 out of 5 stars (4 / 5) – “SO I bought this for a friend and it was more of a joke than anything else but it turned out this stuff worked pretty well and he doesn’t have to deal with being uncomfortable while playing softball anymore (no pun intended)”

Amazon review – Bree, Georgia USA – 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5) – I was working in a very hot restaurant with limited air circulation and was sweating bad enough but not as bad as my guy friend and he was always complaining of ball soup. I got this for him for Christmas a few years ago and he loves it as does his wife and doesn’t leave his sack greasy or chapped.”

Get Fresh Balls The Solution for Men Today!